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It is sad to grow old with someone you do not love.

Puppets and Butho dance inspiration.

Warning: "Emotionally Disturbing"

Content May Be Offensive or Disturbing to Some Audiences
A man fully dedicated to caring for his wife invalidates that he can only move one arm, the crushing routine mendicating a caress, breaking an invader in the couple, contempt, then see the reality that you grew old with someone you do not love and that maybe he does not love you either, the mask falls, and with your sacrifice you tie your love of your life to your chair, then your spirit decides to abandon you as pathetic and it kills you, that way this beautiful story ends, but if I tell you it's the story of a man without love who decides to invent a failed love story, to self-suffer, but to feel sorry for him, that in the end his nakedness makes him see the monster he is in reality, claim his mother because I do not teach him love destroys, it's not that cute thing they talk about, come and see the process of destroying a couple, then a man, see him fall into a cliff of feelings THE FALLING LOVE, an endless fall.
Show produced by the Grant Eprodanza and Apoc Apoc dance
Selected for the 30th anniversary of the Festival del Centro Historico.
Concert with Monica Lopez lau in Fine Arts in room Manuel M Ponce.  PALACIO DE  BELLAS ARTES.
Gala in Taiwan in Buddhist temple the tiger mountain with the group of Jazz Heavy Egg hell dog.
Interpreter and director: Edwin Salas



"Edwin Salas  danced with his inner demons in "The Falling Love", one of the fringiest and most powerful pieces at the 2018 festival"

Asheville ]Fringe Festival.


" I was very emotionally disturbed by the play, and that is exactly what I enjoyed about it, and why I choose to follow you as an artist. "Emotionally Disturbing" seems a fitting description for your work" 

Devon  Kinder. -Audience-

"The staging The Falling Love, comes as a dance and puppet proposal, which highlights the human error of sharing life with someone who does not love. A blunderbuss between carnal relationships and social dilemmas have given meaning to an open psychology, a mimic expression surrounded by an atmosphere of singular melancholy, uncovering a contemporary dance language fused in parallel with the magic of the puppets.
By Gustavo Díaz. Agency 22.
"The Falling Love by Edwin Salas is one of a fascinating project, where contemporary language fuses with the magic of puppets to approach love as a fundamental theme, an artistic reflection that raises the grave error of growing old with someone who does not if you love yourself. "
Grazia Magazine Mexico.




Es triste envejecer con alguien que no amas.




Un hombre dedicado por completo a cuidar su mujer invalida que solo puede mover un brazo, la rutina agobiante mendicante de una caricia, la ruptura de una invasora en la pareja, el desprecio, luego ver la realidad de que envejecisteis con alguien que no amas y que talvez tampoco te ama, se cae la máscara, y con tu sacrificio amarras a esa silla tu amor de tu vida, luego tu espíritu decide abandonarte por patético y te mata, así terminaría toda esta bonita historia, pero si les digo que es la historia de un hombre sin amor que decide inventarse una historia de amor fallida, para auto padecerse, pero que sientan lastima por él, que al final su desnudes lo hace ver el monstruo que es en realidad, reclamarle a su madre porque no le enseño que el amor destruye, que no es esa cosa linda de la que hablan, vengan a ver el proceso de destrucción de una pareja, luego un hombre , véanlo caer a un precipicio de sentimientos THE FALLING LOVE, una caída sin fin.



Espectáculo producido por Eprodanza y Apoc Apoc danza

Seleccionado para 30 aniversario del Festival del Centro historico.

Concierto con Monica Lopez lau en Bellas Artes en sala Manuel M Ponce.

Gala en Taiwan en templo budista la montaña del tigre con el grupo de Jazz Heavy Egg hell dog.


Interprete y director: Edwin Salas




The Falling love

The Falling love

The Falling love

The Falling love

The Falling love

The Falling love

The Falling love

The Falling love

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos



Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos

Photo by Gabriel Ramos



the valse

the valse



Mother 2

Mother 2

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